Google Workspace
A software foundation for running your company in an integrated fashion. Google Workspace is a comprehensive solution with all the apps you need at your office, everything integrated, easily managed and secure.
Starting a new business, turning into a unicorn or been around for a while and just grew above 10 000 employees. With Google Workspace you have the room to grow and there is an edition for you. Choose between Google Workspace BusinessStarter, Business Standard, Business Plus and Google Workspace Enterprise.
Which plan suits you best? Give us a call or send an e-mail to
Apps that's got you covered
Want to know more about Gmail, Meet, Editors, Drive, Currents or Sites. We list most of the Workspace apps below with links to Google’s product pages.
Meet, Communicate and Collaborate
Share, Create and Present
Organize, Optimize and Market
Switch to Krouli for your
Google Workspace licenses
Same price, added flexibility. Buy your Google licenses from Krouli and we can make your Workspace experience even better.
No Credit Card needed
Monthly, Quarterly or Annual invoicing
Split your costs across cost centers
Same price as Google
Useful links and extra material
This is how to transfer your licenses
To transfer your licenses to Krouli you need to go through the following steps:
1. Ask us for a quote at
2. Retrieve your transfer token and send it to
3. We will then transfer your licenses and notify you when the licenses are transferred
Krouli's public identifier is C03l20law.